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CorettaEMiller Book, CEMDM Book
Available December 2024 in Paperback, Hardback, and E-book on Amazon and other major platforms.

My Story

Rev. Coretta Elaine Miller, MDiv, MSN, CRNP, humbly walks in God’s calling on her life as a mother of two daughters, assistant pastor, certified registered nurse practitioner, chaplain, youth mentor, motivational speaker, and more. She enjoys writing, traveling, gardening, creative artistry and shopping, especially for high heel shoes. She is committed to using her artistic and spiritual gifts to answer God’s call to “feed His sheep” by presenting the Gospel through every means available to her, in an applicable, practical, and purposeful context that offers a source of hope and liberation to all of God’s people.


     "As the Son of a black woman, the stories in this book helped me understand what it must have been like for my mother to consistently show up no matter what. Her sacrifices are truly put into perspective, myself and other young, black men can get an inside scoop of what our women go through and how to be of help instead of hurt.

        As a black man trying to navigate this world, I can relate to the seemingly never-ending pressure to be great and whole, but by the end of the book, I realized there's no one who will put more pressure on me than myself, so it's my choice to relieve it."


Senior Scholar at Georgetown University

In the press
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